Don't forget your coat... 

Massive, daily temperature changes on Mars apparently due to it having water-ice clouds.  

Luckily, the characters in 'L.N.O.M' all remembered their coats...


First edition is making way for the second 

Out with the old and in with the new...  L.N.o.M, the first edition, is being removed from the land of print. Or more accurately, the land of electronic printing.   

This will pave the way for the unfettered, Mars and Earth shattering, release of 'Last Night on Mars - The Second Edition.'  

Will also update the chapter excepts on the site to sections from the second edition.   


For an innocent shadow, it's a bit menacing.  More evocative of a giant, merciless, robotic spider. 

Sent out to purge the scattered remnants of humanity from the face of the planet.

Mechanical Spider?




Where is Last Night on Mars: The second edition

Last Night on Mars: the second edition.  Coming Soon.